Today we will go over cleaning up your orders in Infusionsoft, by showing you how to:

  • Search for unpaid orders and subscriptions
  • Setting up Billing automation for failed orders
  • And deactivating or removing access for customers who have not paid in months

First, let’s search for unpaid orders and failed invoices.

Lets go to Ecommerce > Reports > Failed Invoice Report

Once here you can search for invoices that have failed, you can also set some criteria to widen or minimize the search and by clicking on the “Misc Criteria” tab you can search for specific products which will result in invoices containing the product selection to populate into your search results.


One often underused section of the Ecommerce module is Billing Automation the intention here is to run system actions when certain events occur like autocharge failures (or successes). When the event occurs where someone forgets to update their credit card on their subscription and the card declines on the next invoice we can set up triggers to let us know and to also notify the customer of their failed payment so that they can resolve it quickly.

Lets go to Ecommerce > Settings > Billing Automation (on the left hand side)

The options available are:

  • When a Credit Card autocharge attempt is made.
  • When a Credit Card is going to expire.
  • After a successful purchase in the shopping or on a orderform.

Typically the most used trigger type is “When a Credit Card autocharge attempt is made.”

Select that option and click Add Trigger.


You will get a pop up and here is where we can set the options on what we want to happen.


The first option is “When an auto charge” either fails or is successful.

On the left hand side you are selecting at which attempt this trigger should monitor. Sometimes you may have a high number of retry attempts set for your default and you may not want to take action until the MAX amount of retries has occurred.

On the right hand side you will need to select for what products this trigger should be looking at. It will run for all of them by default if you do not select one.

Below the charge attempt and product selections is are third option. We need to select the action we want to run, if you click the dropdown you will see many options to choose from.

  • You can send an email to the customer letting them know their card failed and send them to a form to update it. Billing triggers have special merge fields that only resolve properly when the billing automation triggers fire the emails. (~credit.card.update.html~)
  • You can apply a tag to the contact so later you can just search for a tag to find contacts that have failed orders. You can also send this contact to a campaign to update their billing information or to have customer service notified.
  • You can create a task for someone to call the customer and update their card manually.

This is very useful if you have a Membership website you use and when customer failed to make a payment that month you can have the system automatically remove a tag to remove their permission to access the content on that website. With member plugins like Memberium, Imember360, or even CustomerHub applying the corresponding PAYF tag will lock the user from accessing their membership content until the tag is removed.

For more information on how to get your client’s to update their billing address you can check out another blog post on creating your own Credit Card Update process.

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