With the release of the Campaign Builder in 2013, the Infusionsoft landscape took a big turn for the better. This meant easier campaign construction and the ability to visualize workflows. Previously to the Infusionsoft Campaign Builder all the follow-up sequences and marketing campaigns were contained in a section that is now deemed “legacy”. Legacy sequences do not have visual representations and it is more like computer speak than programming sequences in the campaign builder.


For those Infusionsoft Veterans who have been around since before the Infusionsoft campaign builder was released. It is likely you may still have some legacy webforms and follow up sequences, that need to be updated and brought over to the new campaign builder.


You should do this because the campaign builder is getting new additions all the time, and currently the reporting is getting better and better. You need to be able to make updates to your marketing quickly and easily, and if you bring new people onto your team you do not want to have to explain 2 or three different methods to deal with the same stuff. It also becomes difficult to track down if a form is legacy or if actions are taking place in the legacy section because little to no visibility is provided into those actions. This differs greatly than the built in “Campaigns” tab available on the contact record to see recent and upcoming campaign history.

Most of the time if something isn’t broken, we leave it alone. Sometimes that is great advice. But we can no longer ignore our cluttered closet of Infusionsoft Legacy components party because Infusionsoft has announced that they will be sunsetting legacy features sooner rather than later.

Today we upgrade them to the campaign builder!

This is super easy and often you might be in a position just to delete the old stuff anyway.

Biggest question, what if we don’t know all of the places the form might be. Well. This is exactly why you are doing the cleanup. Best thing to do is look at the Web Form Activity Summary Report.

If there hasn’t been any submissions in 30 days, you could make the call to just delete it. If there are some submissions, you should be able to reverse engineer where the traffic came from and update the form or create a redirect to a new page or new form. If you can look on your website and within the source code find the Infusionsoft field called “XID” You can use this to search inside Legacy > View Webforms.

Note: Recreating webforms will generate new HTML or a new form name and you may need to update your integrations or website to direct optins to the new workflow.

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